Saturday, January 12, 2013

Late gifts are the best, right?

So, this year was my first year as a business owner! Yay, right? Well in all ways except Christmas gifts. Being a new business owner, I decided the bulk of my gifts would have to be given out after Christmas when I saved enough money-- and mostly handmade. (Which are the best in opinion since they come from the heart).

So before Christmas I was up at my mom's and at her LYS found this great yarn. I went on Ravelry and did a yarn search to see what others have made with it, and saw a cute pair of  legwarmers! I told my mom about them and she said she'd love a pair of legwarmers, so I decided I'd make them for her late gift. Problem was the skeins of yarn I had were so small I'd need 4-5 of them, so I couldn't use the yarn or pattern I'd found. So next I chose some colors I thought looked good together and continued my search for the perfect pattern. Alas, I couldn't find any (for free anyways) and decided to create my own.

So in the next post I'll type out the pattern for everyone. It's only my first pattern, so it's free-- and if you find any errors let me know. If you want to make these for yourself or others that's fine-- sell them too if you like-- just make sure to credit me as the designer. :) Thanks, OH and here's a photo of the finished Legwarmers. Because of the different stitches and textures I'm calling them Lala's Zany Legwarmers...

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